Account Setup

To begin, set up an account. If you have already done this, you can skip this section and sign in

Sign Up

To begin, create an account. Bytebot accepts three authentication methods:

  • Email/password pair
  • SSO authentication via a Google account
  • SSO authentication via a GitHub account

Create an Organization

After making your account, you’ll be able to create an organization. This organization can later be shared with other teammates.

An organization needs a name and a slug URL, a.k.a. your website’s URL. Optionally, you can assign it a profile picture.

Create organization page

Generate Your API Key

After you’ve created an organization, you will be able to access the Bytebot administrative portal. First, we need to create an API key that will provide your application access to Bytebot.

Navigate to the API Keys tab on the left-hand menu. Then, click on Create API Key.

Generate Key

Provide the API key with a descriptive name (e.g., production key). Then, click on Create Key to create it.

When you create an API key, you can only view it once. Click the copy icon to save the API key to a safe place. If you lose your API key, you will need to create a new one.

Where should I store my API key?

An API key is akin to an account password. Store it in a safe place. We recommend using a secure password manager, an encrypted file, or another secure storage solution. Do not commit your API key to a repository.

Next Steps

Once you have set up your organization and created an API key, you’re ready to begin exploring Bytebot. Discover Bytebot’s Core Concepts and Bytebot’s Installation Guide to implement Bytebot.