Getting Started


Bytebot can be integrated into an existing or a brand-new Node project.


  • Node.js version 18.x.x or higher

Install Bytebot

Open your terminal and navigate to your project’s root directory.

Run any of the following commands to install the Bytebot SDK using your preferred package manager:

$npm install @bytebot/sdk

Configure Your .env File

In the root of your project, create or update your .env file to include your Bytebot API key:


Additionally, if you haven’t already, install dotenv to load environment variables from your .env file.

$npm install dotenv

Now, you have the correct packages installed.

Next Steps

With Bytebot installed, you are ready to start leveraging it to create automations. But first, you need to choose between using Bytebot’s remote browser instance or a local Puppeteer browser. Bytebot offers first-party support for both, but there are pros and cons to each.