Best Practices for Prompts

Successful Workflows on Bytebot are the result of effective prompts. There are some basic rules that you should follow when crafting prompts.

Be concise, but clear

Prompts needs to be concise but also clear. Describe the element by sign-posting where it is located; however, don’t over-describe it.

  • Don’t: Show notifications or Click on the black, rounded notifications button
  • Do: Click on the unread notifications button in the top right.

Use action words

Bytebot will automatically prepend prompts with the desires action (Click, Write, etc.). However, you can ensure that the prompt is effective by including “Click” or “Write” in your prompt.

  • Don’t: Is Hiring checkbox
  • Do: Click on the Is Hiring checkbox

Keep prompts conversational

Your prompts should be understandable to the average human. Do not write prompts as if they are code.

  • Don’t: Click on the right floated button component in the header element
  • Do: Click on the Submit button in the top right