Workflow Management

Save Workflows

After you finish mapping out your workflow, you can save them by clicking on the Save changes button on the top right


After clicking it, the button will spin while Bytebot saves the Workflow. Then, you’ll be greeted with a new view that details the workflow’s ID, name, description, URL, and creation date, alongside a visualizer of the Workflow’s steps.


From this view, you can execute and delete a workflow. You can also edit it’s starting URL by clicking on the Edit button.

Execute Workflows

To execute a workflow, click on the Execute button and enter a starting URL (otherwise, Bytebot will use the original URL used to create the workflow).


After clicking on the Submit button, Bytebot will inform you if the Workflow was executed successfully.


Edit Workflow Settings

To edit a Workflow’s name and description, click on the Edit button on the top right. You will open a model where you can edit the Workflow’s name and description.


You can save your changes by clicking on the Update Workflow button.